98 p o r t l a n d monthly magazine House of the Month town and shore day.” If ever someone offered help when she didn’t wish it, Nancy would laugh and say, “‘No need. I’m Miss Tuffington. I can take care of this all by myself!” Come Inside ho doesn’t adore a castle on the Maine coast? “I love the bay window that’s off the living room and dining room,” says Tish Whipple. “It’s all glass above wood floors. It has this amazing view up and down the coast.” In the pre-dawn darkness and at sunset, “I love the way the light comes off Seguin Island.” The living room may be “a small space, but it has all those wonderful Gothic win- dows in it. It pulls the ocean in so you’re on top of it. The house seems to grow right out of the granite rocks. There are wonderful masses of granite stones that the sea rush- es over,” so from the first you’re hearing, Above:Viewsfromthekitchenandlivingroomextendacrossthe ocean.Stairstothe30-foottowerlead“rightouttotheopenair.”