F e b r u a r y / M a r c h 2 0 1 8 6 3 of immigrants with skills and education to thrive, exploring ways to leverage the new untapped talent in our state.” I t was determination, passion, and de- votion that 19 Maine women tapped into 40 years ago on an historical jour- ney to Houston, returning home inspired and ready to work. It was the same ener- gy that brought over 10,000 women and men to the streets of Portland in Janu- ary 2017 for the Women’s March. Looking back on the 1977 rally, Attorney General Mills says a Margaret Mead quote comes to mind: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” She ascribes it to “the mischie- vous band of determined women, ages 18 to 64, who listened to rousing speeches in Houston, and the many others who dug into issues at the 1978 statewide confer- ence…” As for Reckitt’s proudest moment of the Maine Women’s Lobby? “We’ve last- ed 40 freaking years. That’s really kind of amazing when you think about.” n