no s the ti e to take advanta e o the o P . the ind is still a bit too bitin or to rists, leavin plenty o roo or Portlanders to et ro A to B to C. Start yo r ni ht at t on Co ercial Street ith the Santa maria cocktail 12 . this te ila concoction has a kick o ancho chili li or, po e ranate, and li e. the h s and ho se Pita 8 and an order o the sa cy m ssels 12 ill et yo ar ed p or yo r reservation at s & C . here yo ll devo r the lobster Diavolo or t o 68.95 . what Portlander doesn t drea o pasta and lobster Close the ni ht ith one ore e trava ance at g C B . the Bro n B tter yo rt Panna Cotta 24 is ade or t o. And hile there s a ab lo s selection o si nat re cocktails, at this point o the ni ht the st a little less 6 i ht be appropriate. this cha o ile ocktail ill soothe any evenin o over- ind l ence. LoveIs On the Street M is back at P s ith t l . the dra a centers aro nd “a colle e secretary ho believes she i ht have a i t or seein the dead.” “I ve ot a stellar cast and the brilliant Sally wood as director e orked on to ether,” wood says. “what I love abo t play ritin is the collaboration thro ho t the hole process, hich is so di erent ro prose ritin we can red ce h an nat re to t o types: do s or cats. Cats rite prose; do s rite plays. I no a hybrid ani al, and it s its e st ne ” the play opens F 2 and r ns thro h march 24. soothe any evenin o over- soothe any evenin o over- “a colle e secretary ho believes she i ht have a i t or seein the dead.” hica o s een o Bl es ret rns to wa- terville opera ho se on march 9. the da hter o bl es le end C ell hard or maine on sic to rs ith her ather. today, She ekias dra in her o n cro d. her ost recent alb , a , lo ted to no. 3 on the Billboard top Bl es Alb s charts last s er. we ca ht p ith the a ard- innin artist soon a ter the anno nce ent o her ve Bl es m sic A ards no i- nations, incl din Alb o the year. PM:Whatkeepsyou comingback? sC: I ve been co in to maine ever since I as a yo n irl, ith y dad. It s kind o a tradition the ne en land to r, yo kno . I love it. Didyoutravelwithyourfatheralot? oh y god, y dad o ld hit all the cl bs p there. fro Connect- ic t, rhode Island, Boston and all over massach setts, all over maine. we ere al ays p there. What’sthemostimportantmusicaladvice yourfathergaveyou? Ithas to beaparto yo .yo haveto loveit. Andyo havetobeori inal. Whenwillyoutellthattoyourson? As soon as he can nderstand it. IlovedyourcoveroftheKinks. Where’dyoufindtheinspiration toblendsomanygenres? yo kno , I st eel like e re all one bi eltin pot o sic. gosh, years a o hen yo ent to a record store, the sic asn t broken p into sections. It as all i ed in to ether. that s the ay it sho ld be. Harlem,NewOrleans,Texas—theseplacesall haveasound.What’sMaine’ssound? there are a lot o reat sicians p there. I riends ith a lot o the . A lot o reat bands co e o t o there. they have their o n so nds. It s a i o bl es and nk and so l. Whatlullabiesdoesabluessinger singtoherchild? well, on y latest record I incl de “go to Sleepy little Baby.” I sin that. B t, ost- ly, I sin Sa Cooke son s to hi . What’sthelongesttimeyouwent withoutsinginganote—andwhy? oh, osh, I don t kno i I ve done that. Act ally, last year I ot sick. that as a ti e hen I really rested y voice. Whatareyour30mostembarrass- ingsecondsonstage?Takeusthere. one ti e I as in e rope ith ta mahal, and his band as doin a son called “I need yo r lovin everyday.” All I had to say as “I need yo r lovin everyday.” I as so nervo s that I co ldn t do it. It ot to that part, and I as st like, i Whataboutyour30best? Probably sin in back ro nd or mick a er. B t anyti e I ve ever per or ed ith the reats, yo kno r th Bro n, koko taylor, B ddy g y, Solo- on B rke. Se n t gra y-no inated bl es sin er s C slides back into maine. inteRvie By eveLyn a gH f e B r u A r y / m A r C h 2 0 1 9 1 5 Concierge CloCkwISe from toP left: AAron flACke, merCeDeS VIlleneuVe, ShemekIA CoPelAnD mIke whIte / AllIgAtor reCorDS See some of the participating restaurants and more on page 76. See some of the participating restaurants See some of the See some of the A Powerhouse Takes the Opera House See some of the See some of the Concierge Concierge Concierge See some of the See some of the