Not using 3M Scotchtint Window Film can leave quite an impression. MAINE SUN SOLUTIONS • (207) 781-9917 • MESUN@MAINE.RR.COM TM TM MONTHLY W W W . P O R T L A N D M A G A Z I N E . C O M M A I N E ’ S C I T Y M A G A Z I N E P O R T L A N D M A G A Z I N E J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 On The Water &NAVY DAYS FESTIVAL FRISSON JAIL FOR SALE S P OT T I N G T H E S U P E R YA C H T S | L E VA N T I N E C U I S I N E VO L U M E 3 2 , N O . 5 JUL/AUG 2017 VOL. 32 NO. 5 $5.95 14 p o r t l a n d monthly magazine Close Encounters of the Delicious Kind What a delightful story, especially the section about [Nina Livingstone’s] first encounter with a whole Maine lobster! [See “Tasting Maine with Barbara Lynch,” Summerguide 2017] Gail Elson, via email I enjoyed getting to know Barbara Lynch on a more personal level, and I was fasci- nated by writer Nina Livingstone’s encoun- ter with her first lobster. T. L. Murphy, Windham An interesting and entertaining interview and lobster experience! Jane Sutton, via email Challenging Eliot Cutler Eliot Cutler should donate 100 percent of the proceeds [from the sale of his house–see “Hidden Shore,” Summerguide 2017] to the State of Maine Human Services. You know, because he handed us LePage on a platter. Joan Lizzie, Portland [Eliot Cutler] is responsible for LePage’s second term. Emmet Meara, Camden Not in Kansas Anymore I was working on Margaret Hamil- ton’s roof in the fall of 1963 with Dick Dill, who was the caretaker of Newa-