216 P r t L a n d montHL maga ine reaL eState meggie BootH To design this house deliberately imag- ined without a name, “We interviewed 10 architects. We chose Bob Knight of Blue Hill,” Cutler says. “I’m not one to give names to houses. We view this as a home, not as some kind of estate. We had 50 bro- kers in yesterday, looking at the house. Sev- eral remarked at how cozy it was, regard- less of how large. That was a major objec- tive of ours.” A s cozy as this home may be, most retreats don’t have a library on the scale of Cutler’s, extending across two dimensions. “The libraries are two lev- els,” nearly windowless but for clerestories, connected by a spiral stair. “It’s the main turret.” Asked if some lucky books from his childhood home floated into his new li- brary, he’s enthusiastic. “The multi-volume Winston Churchill History of World War A e en the pastel pink athr en s eans ie s ight utlers kit hen in ludes a traditi nalAga range i p rted r the . “ nother strong echo in the house comes from the three years when lived in ei ing, when we ac uired a lot of hinese vernacular furniture.”