272 P r t L a n d montHL maga ine PHotos courtes BerKsHire HatHawa oLd PHotos courtes sHaron cummings some oLd news herited the house. That’s where I met Jou- rine. We made a sort of migration from Australia to San Francisco to New York. Eventually I started my own company, and we were able to move in and send our kids to Kennebunkport Consolidated School.” C aptains Nathaniel Lord, Oliver Smith, William Lord Jr., Alden B. Day, and William H. Gould have all called 7 Pearl Street home. Historical- fiction author Kenneth Roberts called Jeff’s great-great-grandfather Captain Gould “Kennebunkport’s last deep-water captain” and often consulted with him to keep mar- itime parlance on course in his novel The Lively Lady. C n L and his i e, P , moved into the house in 1799 a ter it as gi ted to them by Phebe s ather, and Phebe gave birth to their nine children there. in 1803, the am ily s teenage servant girl, S P , became regnant by ca tain Lord. when sally s em barrassing condition as revealed, Lord hired a man to marry sally, and she as sent a ay in disgrace. a ter the hired husband died, sally married nathaniel day, a Kennebunk armer. to gether, they raised Lord s illegitimate son and his hal brother, a d . at the age o 12, Bill Perkins, as he as then kno n, a roached his biological ather s cousin, ca tain george Lord o Kennebunk. when george learned o the boy s arentage, he took Bill under his ing, educated him, and restored his right ul name. william Lord r. did not s uander the o ortunities that his ne name granted him. He became a sea ca tain be ore he turned 20 and a ealthy investor in shi s and railroads by the age o 30. the illegitimate son o ca t. nathaniel Lord ent on to become the ealthiest man in Ken nebunk. in 1851, william and his hal brother, ca tain alden B. day, urchased 7 Pearl street or their mother. sally Perkins lived out her li e in lu ury in the home that she had once s e t as a servant, caring or her grandchildren hile her sons ere at sea until her death in 1867. candalAlert A e apt.Willia . uld is si ned l al ship uilder a id lark t uild the ur asted s h ner a a a in . he as the last essel a id lark e er uilt. ight a the ship uld ran agr und r sa n ai an in . aptainAlden B. a li ed at earl treet ith his ther all erkins hile he as h e r sea. a added i t rian details t the pr pert in the s in luding detailing t the r nt p r h arrara ar le antelpie es a e and an rnate annister t the ain stair ase a e le t .