Building Maine’s Great Spaces. 10 Danforth Street Portland Maine 04101 207.773.3625 J u ly / A u g u s t 2 0 1 7 2 3 Douglass has too great a weight. Darlene Taylor, Washington D.C. Apostles of Print I subscribe to Portland Monthly and ea- gerly await its arrival every month. I was thrilled to see a terrific column by Co- lin W. Sargent [See “Reading: Do You Dare?”], extolling the many virtues of print. Sargent’s prediction? A print come- back is coming soon to give us relief from the cacophony of the internet. His ad- vice? “Buy all the print newspapers you can right now, because they are on the eve of a renaissance.” Well, we did. Shame- less plug: I just acquired Delray Newspa- per and Boca Newspaper–so I sure hope he’s right. Jeff Perlman, Publisher, Your Delray Boca Pre-hipster Portland I absolutely love your magazine! I’m so ex- cited when a new issue arrives and can’t wait to voraciously devour it from cover to cover. Keep up the fabulous work, as it is much appreciated! Thank you for bringing Maine to me when I’m unable to be there. Portland is my favorite local destination for long weekends and special occasions, and I’ve been visiting since long before its infan- cy in the foodie hipster scene. Stephanie Gilbride, Pepperell, MA Twist of Fate I enjoy Portland Monthly, especially your Summerguide issue! It may just be the “funny, fickle finger of fate,” but your story, “The Bahamian Yankee” [Summerguide, 2017], hit home. I’m writing a book about growing up, family, and stories, which in- cludes the very same tale about Sir Harry Oakes. Many thanks! Carol Tanner, Falmouth Island Life Thank you so much for the copy [of Sum- merguide 2017] that I received in the mail. Wow! What a wonderful story. Great job. [See “Dream Islands,” Summerguide 2017.] Cap Mona, Portland The Shell Game I love the layout and your piece for the oyster feature! [See “New Oyster Cult,” Summerguide 2017.] Julie Qiu, New York