WHAT IF you went for a walk in the woods today… and found crystals, emerald green crystals on the roots of an upturned tree?* What if it was a treasure trove of Maine tourmaline? Everyone would be excited. Truth is, gems: gem tourmaline in brilliant green is coming out of the ground in the Western Mountains of Maine right now. The picture above was taken July 15, 2018 at the SparHawk mine. The rings shown above are our newest creations in SparHawk mint green teal Maine tourmaline. New tourmaline jewelry added every week. Pre-shop over one-hundred luscious SparHawk tourmaline on our website and on display in our Portland, Maine store. Cross Jewelers Jewelers to New England Since 1908 570 Congress St., Downtown, Portland, Maine CrossJewelers.com 800-433-2988 Open Monday - Friday 9:30am to 5:00pm PM1218 Tide’s Edge F9635.....$2,795.00 F8969.....$2,850.00 F9817.....$2,250.00 F9163.....$1,375.00 F9409.....$2,950.00 F8908.....$9,450.00 *And yes, in 1820 two kids from Paris Hill, Maine found tourmaline for the first time on the roots of an upturned tree. Gem miner Ron, tourmaline crystals just brought to light.