Bringing you all things tea Thanks for Buying Local! Purveyor of fine teas, treats, tea wares, accoutrements, books, linens–offered in an atmosphere of calm and eclectic beauty. Tea Tasting Class • Knowledgeable assistance. Available for speaking engagements. 5 Industry Road, Suite 1A, South Portland • (207)761-8041 • The perfect spot to catch up with a friend over tea and a scone. The perfect spot to catch up with WEDS–FRI 10 am-5 pm SAT 10 am-3 pm Other times by appointment. A p r i l 2 0 1 8 4 3 meaghan maurice What if you don’t feel the magic? Where the brewed cup was rich and full-bodied, this slow-pour tastes weaker, a bit sour and fruity. But it tastes quite good when it’s come to room temperature. Caitlin Sack- ville, who’s been making coffee at Bard for more than four years, explains. “Coffee’s like wine or food. Your pal- ate can discern more nuance when it’s closer to room temperature. When we in- troduce people to the pour-over style, we emphasize that it’s not any better, it’s just a different method. We use medium and lighter roasts, and the bean batches are often small–too small to use for the [higher volume] brewed method.” “The extra labor, and the fact that small batches can cost more, is reflected in the higher price. Back when I was just a cus- tomer, I always drank brewed dark roasts. Once I got interested in the characteristics of say, Costa Rican beans, I got to really ap- preciate the pour-over,” But, that said, “I like either one, and I drink them both.” roastery / tasting room wholesale specialty coffee roast to order private label custom blending e-commerce 441 main st ste 102 biddeford 207-494-9003