“Dream Girl” first appeared in DC comics in 1964 and is a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes. She hails from the planet Naltor, where inhabitants have the ability to see the future. Above, Supergirl star Melissa Benoist on set with Nicole. isn’t that… 38 p o r t l a n d monthly magazine girl production. They asked if I could send another self tape. My agent said, “No need, she’s in Los Angeles and can come in to your offices.” I met with Robert and Jessica and read in the room with them. I felt really good about the audition. They said, “We’d love to take this to the next level.” The next day, they offered me the part. Howdidyoufeelthesecondyoulearnedyougottherole? It was very strange. The night before I’d been filming. I had a 13-hour day, and I got home around six in the morning. I was sleeping, and my agents called me. They were all on the phone and told me they were offering me the part. I was so tired I said, “Oh, wow.” It was a combination of disbelief and being half awake. They told me three times, and I was like, “That’s far out, man.” And I went back to sleep! H ow did they ask you to prepare for the audition? I got there a half hour early, and I worked with someone in the produc- tion office. They gave me the information that they wanted to move the character in a new direction. They want her to kind of I was from Maine. He said, “You all live in igloos.” I said, “Yep. Igloos and log cabins.” Andofcourseyouonlyeatblueberries,andyourdogis amoose. Yes, absolutely. Nowthatyou’vebeenonset—andyou’veworkedonsets before,butmaybenottothisextent—whatweresomeof thebiggestsurprisesforyou? I’m endlessly surprised by how wel- I don’t think it’s f air to expect an individual to represent an entire group.” mirror Kara’s energy from season one and bring her in with a wide-eyed, ingénue ener- gy. They gave me a little bit more direction than they had when I was self taping. By that point, I’d already seen the first season, so I knew the energy they were looking for. Diditcomeupthatyou’refromMaine?Somepeopleon theWestCoastconsiderusaforeigncountry.Tothem, Mainefeelslikeaninternationalflight. It does! I was at the grocery store pick- ing up food, and when I went to pay, the cashier asked where I was from. I told him