A220-poundbluefintunaisprocessedat UpstreamTruckingnexttoScalesRestaurant. Hungry eye J u ly / A u g u s t 2 0 1 8 1 0 9 There’s a difference between fresh fish and “fresh fish.” Especially for the resourceful locals who know the secrets of where and when to go! Proof–if you even need it–that Portland is a sea- food paradise requires just a stroll around town. The high count of seafood markets, seafood shacks, sushi restaurants, and uber seafood restaurants is something truly im- pressive. We are one lucky city. But are we fresh? One measure is, the faster the turnover, the fresher the fish. By Claire Z. Cramer Getting Fresh TO MARKET Snoop into the fish markets to check out summer best sellers. Cullen Burke manages Free Range Fish and Seafood on Commercial Street, at the far western edge of the Old Port. “In the summer, we’re selling 400 to 500 pounds of haddock a day. Salmon, tuna, and sword are the big summer grillers–everyone wants to grill fish at this time of year.” meaghan maurice