isn’t that s e p t e m B e r 2 0 1 8 7 7 from top: oe hill instagram; russ 2009 Modern Family by nina livingstone At 47 West Broadway in Bangor, three children grew up in a Gothic mansion surrounded by a black wrought-iron fence decorated with spiders, bats, and three-headed reptiles. Inside, Stephen and Tabitha King wrote novels while their kids experimented with their own stories. Two of the children—both boys—would go on to become award-winning novelists, and the eldest would take her writing talents to the pulpit and become a minister. in the beginning As a fellow at the University of Maine, Tabitha immediately recognized her boyfriend’s gift, as she herself was a writer with an editor’s eye. In 1967, Stephen sold a short story to Star- tling Mystery Stories—his first professional sale. The two married in 1971 shortly after grad- dad s casts no shadow over new generations o kings.